Design professionals
Research paper

Brent Seen and Heard

Research findings and workshop design from Seen and Heard in Brent which worked with with teenagers on what they wanted from public space

In 2020, 19 young people from Brent worked with Dr Julia King and other researchers from the London School of Economics as paid apprentices, taking part in a series of workshops to help them understand the background to planning and public space design, in order that their voices could be better heard.

The project produced a manifesto, but also a document which explains how the engagement was carried out and is a great example of how engagement can work well.

In 2020, 19 young people from Brent worked with Dr Julia King and other researchers from the London School of Economics as paid apprentices, taking part in a series of workshops to help them understand the background to planning and public space design, in order that their voices could be better heard.

The project produced a manifesto, but also a document which explains how the engagement was carried out and is a great example of how engagement can work well.

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