It’s essential to engage with teenage girls if we want to make parks and public spaces which work for them. This collection of resources will help us to hear the voices of teenage girls and enable them to articulate what they need from parks and public space.

Wincanton Questionnaire
Wincanton Council created a very short online questionnaire as part of the initial stages of their consultation which was distributed via IT lessons in the secondary school. This was a Google Docs poll and girls could access it via a QR code.
Wincanton Questionnaire
Wincanton Council created a very short online questionnaire as part of the initial stages of their consultation which was distributed via IT lessons in the secondary school. This was a Google Docs poll and girls could access it via a QR code.
MSFG Questionnaire
We created a questionnaire for focus groups with girl skateboarders in Leeds. It’s quite comprehensive and can be shortened or adapted as required.
MSFG Questionnaire
We created a questionnaire for focus groups with girl skateboarders in Leeds. It’s quite comprehensive and can be shortened or adapted as required.
Girl Guiding Scotland - Own Our Zone
Girlguiding Scotland, led by their Speak Out Champions, wanted to address the issue of better and safer parks and public spaces for girls, We assisted them in producing a badge pack with activities for all their members from Rainbows to Rangers - and may inspire other groups too.
Girl Guiding Scotland - Own Our Zone
Girlguiding Scotland, led by their Speak Out Champions, wanted to address the issue of better and safer parks and public spaces for girls, We assisted them in producing a badge pack with activities for all their members from Rainbows to Rangers - and may inspire other groups too.
Young Place Changers tool kit
A selection of inspiring tools and activities to help young people have a voice about the spaces in their local communities.
Young Place Changers tool kit
A selection of inspiring tools and activities to help young people have a voice about the spaces in their local communities.
Seen and Heard
The LSE ran a series of workshops on planning and public spacewith a mixed group of young people in Brent, London. They produced a charter about what they wanted from public space, but there is also excellent documentation of the workshop process itself.
Seen and Heard
The LSE ran a series of workshops on planning and public spacewith a mixed group of young people in Brent, London. They produced a charter about what they wanted from public space, but there is also excellent documentation of the workshop process itself.
Teenagers and Public Space
A Place In Childhood worked with teenagers in three locations in Scotland, using mapping and other engagement techniques to find out what was good and bad about public spaces in their local area, and what they would like to see improved. This detailed report is a good template for councils and other bodies wanting to carry out engagement in their own area.
Teenagers and Public Space
A Place In Childhood worked with teenagers in three locations in Scotland, using mapping and other engagement techniques to find out what was good and bad about public spaces in their local area, and what they would like to see improved. This detailed report is a good template for councils and other bodies wanting to carry out engagement in their own area.
Co-creating Local Neighbourhood Plans with Children and Young People A ‘How To’ Guide
A Place In Childhood have worked with a number of groups of children and young people to create neighbourhood and local plans. This guide shares their knowledge and best practice on how to integrate youth voices into planning and other placemaking work.
Co-creating Local Neighbourhood Plans with Children and Young People A ‘How To’ Guide
A Place In Childhood have worked with a number of groups of children and young people to create neighbourhood and local plans. This guide shares their knowledge and best practice on how to integrate youth voices into planning and other placemaking work.
What does better look like
A downloadable document of our designs for features and facilities that teenage girls might want, designed to be used as inspiration and conversation starters in engagement work
What does better look like
A downloadable document of our designs for features and facilities that teenage girls might want, designed to be used as inspiration and conversation starters in engagement work
The HerCity Tool Kit
This is a “whole city approach” and so more than is needed for a single park consultation) but Block 3 on Site Specific Assessment has some helpful ideas.
The HerCity Tool Kit
This is a “whole city approach” and so more than is needed for a single park consultation) but Block 3 on Site Specific Assessment has some helpful ideas.
Girl Skateboarders in Belgium
Engagement with girls and young women in de Marollen in Brussels on how they can appropriate the local skatepark and the area around. Report in three languages, including English. “In public space, we only see boys. I also want to be able to sit somewhere.” Maryam, 16
Girl Skateboarders in Belgium
Engagement with girls and young women in de Marollen in Brussels on how they can appropriate the local skatepark and the area around. Report in three languages, including English. “In public space, we only see boys. I also want to be able to sit somewhere.” Maryam, 16
Voice Opportunity Power
Practical guidance on how to involve young people (11-18) in the way that places get built and managed. Aimed at for professionals rather than young people it is designed to improve their participation in new development and regeneration.
Voice Opportunity Power
Practical guidance on how to involve young people (11-18) in the way that places get built and managed. Aimed at for professionals rather than young people it is designed to improve their participation in new development and regeneration.