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Brickfields Park, Bath: Report on Engagement

A report following engaging with girls and young women as part of transforming a park in Bath.

This report was produced in partnership between Make Space for Girls and Your Park Bristol and Bath, a charity established to work with communities in Bristol and Bath to make parks safer, more accessible and welcoming. You can read more about the engagement process in our blog.

Brickfield Park is a large park, sited in an area where there are high levels of deprivation. In the area surrounding the park nearly 1/4 of people live in flats with limited outdoor space. It contains the only free, full size basketball court in Bath (to which people travel from all over the city and its outskirts to use). It has a playground for younger kids and a number of pitches. But despite these factors, Brickfield Park is not used to its full potential, it is believed due in part to its high antisocial behaviour rate. It is mainly used as a space for dog walking and as a pass-through for commuters. It has a playground for younger kids and a number of pitches. This report is part of a series of initiatives to increase the use of the park. It has resulted in a 3 stage project, the first stage being installing some basic facilities for teenage girls, for example some swings, balance bars and areas of social seating. There will then be an evaluation. We are looking forward to sharing more details of this project as it develops.

This report was produced in partnership between Make Space for Girls and Your Park Bristol and Bath, a charity established to work with communities in Bristol and Bath to make parks safer, more accessible and welcoming. You can read more about the engagement process in our blog.

Brickfield Park is a large park, sited in an area where there are high levels of deprivation. In the area surrounding the park nearly 1/4 of people live in flats with limited outdoor space. It contains the only free, full size basketball court in Bath (to which people travel from all over the city and its outskirts to use). It has a playground for younger kids and a number of pitches. But despite these factors, Brickfield Park is not used to its full potential, it is believed due in part to its high antisocial behaviour rate. It is mainly used as a space for dog walking and as a pass-through for commuters. It has a playground for younger kids and a number of pitches. This report is part of a series of initiatives to increase the use of the park. It has resulted in a 3 stage project, the first stage being installing some basic facilities for teenage girls, for example some swings, balance bars and areas of social seating. There will then be an evaluation. We are looking forward to sharing more details of this project as it develops.

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