
Public Space in Brent: Peer research by young women

Peer research allows young women to create research that will shape their areas. We collaborated with Countryside Partnerships and the London School of Economics on a peer research project in the London borough of Brent, and this report summarises our findings.

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In late 2022, Make Space for Girls, LSE Cities and Countryside Partnerships worked on a peer research project involving 10 girls and young women in the London borough of Brent. The research project ran over 6 weeks and involved the girls and young women examining what a good public realm meant for them and how their area measured up.

Probably best known for being home to Wembley Stadium, Brent is the most diverse locality in the UK. Home to about 330,000 residents with large and vibrant Asian and Indian, Black African, Black Caribbean, Irish, and Eastern European communities, it is also a relatively young borough. As such it was a fascinating place to explore how girls and young women relate to their local public space.

In late 2022, Make Space for Girls, LSE Cities and Countryside Partnerships worked on a peer research project involving 10 girls and young women in the London borough of Brent. The research project ran over 6 weeks and involved the girls and young women examining what a good public realm meant for them and how their area measured up.

Probably best known for being home to Wembley Stadium, Brent is the most diverse locality in the UK. Home to about 330,000 residents with large and vibrant Asian and Indian, Black African, Black Caribbean, Irish, and Eastern European communities, it is also a relatively young borough. As such it was a fascinating place to explore how girls and young women relate to their local public space.

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