Press releases

Press releases cover our major campaigns.

If you want to see our past press coverage, the highlights can be found on the blog page under 'In the Media'. More information about our day-to-day work can be found in our blogs and newsletter, or on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

For press enquiries contact us

If you want to know more about our work or to include it in a publication, please get in contact. Make Space for Girls have already been featured in the national press as well as specialist trade papers, on the BBC and in a number of podcasts.

For press enquiries contact us

If you want to know more about our work or to include it in a publication, please get in contact. Make Space for Girls have already been featured in the national press as well as specialist trade papers, on the BBC and in a number of podcasts.

Thank you for getting in touch. Make Space for Girls is taking a break for August, so we'll be back in touch on our return in September.

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